Hate As the Bible Presents It


1. We live in a society that misunderstands and misapplies “hate.” a. We are told we should never hate anyone or anything.

b. Certain crimes have been designated “hate crimes.”

c. A popular bumper sticker the past few years is “Hate is not a family value.” It is distributed by those who believe homosexuality should be accepted as an alternative lifestyle to label any who oppose them as bigots, homophobes and people who hate other people.

2. We must understand “hate.”

a. We cannot love as we should without hating. b. We must hate the right things in the right way.

3. According to W.E. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, hate is used in three ways.

a. Malicious and unjustifiable feelings toward others, whether towards the innocent or by mutual animosity.

1) This is condemned. (1 John 2:9-11)

2) 1 John 3:15. “He who hates his brother is called a murderer; for the sin lies in the inward disposition, of which the act is only the outward expression.” (Vine)

b. A feeling of aversion from what is evil or towards error. c. Relative preference of one thing over another.

I. God Hates (In the Last Two Senses)

A. Though “God is love” (1 John 4:8), God hates. It is not contradictory to His loving character.

B. Dislike of, antagonism toward evil.

1. Idolatry. (Jer. 44:2-5) We must hate it too. (Col. 3:5; 1 Cor. 10:14) 2. Seven things. (Prov. 6:16-19)

C. God “hated Esau,” in that He preferred Jacob. (Rom. 9:13; Mal. 1:2-5)

II. We Should Hate Error and Evil (Be Antagonistic Toward Them) A. We must hate every false way. (Psa. 119:104)

1. Contrast what is said in this verse to: “Through your precepts I get understanding, therefore, I believe that one way is as good as another.”

2. What we believe makes a difference. (2 Thes. 2:10-12)

3. The church at Ephesus was commended for “hating.” (Rev. 2:6)

4. Those who are not against error are not really for truth. To stand for nothing results in falling for anything.

Gene Taylor  www.ExpositorySermonOutlines.com  1

B. We must hate evil. (Psa. 97:10)

1. Sin is against God. (Psa. 51:4) We need to recognize the seriousness of that fact. (Gen. 39:9)

2. Sin is degrading.

a. Note the prodigal son in Luke 15.

b. Many others have been brought to a pitiful condition because they do not hate evil. (Prov. 13:15)

3. Why do people not hate evil? Because they do not love God. (Psa. 97:10)

III. Relative Preference of One Thing Over Another A. A person cannot serve two masters. (Matt. 6:24)

B. One must hate his family. (Luke 14:25-26)

1. One must love his family “less than” he loves Christ. (Matt. 10:37)

2. If it is a choice between pleasing God and pleasing family, we should “hate” our family, i.e., we should prefer God’s will over theirs.

C. One must hate his own life. (Luke 14:25-26)

1. One must prefer pleasing God over living. (John 12:25)

2. If it is a choice between life and serving God, we should “hate” life. 3. The implications of this are great.

a. What do you prefer? What do you put first? b. When one puts God second, he hates God.


1. We should not hate the person who is in error or sin but should hate the error and sin. 2. We should love God and the truth, and should hate, be antagonistic toward, error

and evil.

3. We should hate, put in second place, all people and our own lives.

Gene Taylor  www.ExpositorySermonOutlines.com  2